Neuroscience • Rita Aleluia Awakening People Fri, 28 Jan 2022 14:14:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Neuroscience • Rita Aleluia 32 32 The science of heart-brain coherence into parenting Fri, 28 Jan 2022 14:10:43 +0000 Generative parenting embodies the heart and brain coherence. A practice based on the latest advances in science. Neuroscience, neurocardiology, epigenetics and quantum physics come together in this parental and life proposal.

O conteúdo The science of heart-brain coherence into parenting aparece primeiro em Rita Aleluia.

The title of this article maybe it should be “heart and brain coherence in generative parenting and in everything in life”. For more than a decade of researching, experimenting and developing generative parenting, spreading it to the five continents, to people, families and organizations with such different cultures and believes, I was intrigued by the fact that some practitioners incorporate GP (generative parenting®) becoming agents of transformation and change in their personal, family, professional and community life and others, take a long time or regress to the know (even when it is not functional for them).

Since Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) deals with what specifically works well, I investigated the patterns and found the answer!

The difference that makes the difference

It is the daily practice of heart and brain meditations that generates change at the energy level. I already mentioned in previous articles that the heart influences the brain and vice versa. And this can be a harmonious and coherent dance or a survival and chaotic dance (which is where much of humanity tends to live, particularly in the these years). Do we choose maintain chaos and disconnection? Is this that we want to keep perpetuating for generations?!

– No!!

Relax, close your eyes, focus and surrender

If we want to guide our children, being ourselves, parents, educators, teachers… an example of what we want to see in the world, with oneness, we can opt for relaxation, focus on the heart and generate generative emotions. When this happens, the heart begins to produce a very low rate, only possible with the heart rate. Science now shows that this meditative practice makes us more creative. The heart informs the brain that it is safe to create, to awaken, to create consciousness to live and strive rather than survive. And this is how we begin to see possibilities, light, where before we saw obstacles and darkness.

The science behind generative parenting

My heart seems to burst with joy every time a new article is published in a scientific journal confirming generative parenting practices. Because NLP, created 50 years ago, one of the pillars of GP, is not science, nor psychology, nor psychotherapy. Still, today, the latest advances in science (especially the vast majority of confirmations from my dear HeartMath scientists), demonstrate everything that NLP has given us brought from the beginning, when it was still called META.

Goodbye degenerative emotions

This harmonious and coherent dance between the heart and the brain allows us to generously and gratefully say goodbye to degenerative emotions, those that take away our vital energy, that put us on the survival side: stress, anxiety, worry… We now broaden horizons and see possibilities. In other words, we activate the parasympathetic nervous system, responsible for the conscious creation of our lives! Why? Because we begin to generate generative emotions, which nourish our energy by expanding it to those around us.

I explained the process in my talk at the Global NLP Online Summit India. You find here a little taste:

All this to say that the more relaxed we live in our heart, the more our brain and body open to energy. When we are no longer focused on survival, anxious, worried about dangers, threats, about the next moment – and we already know that where we put the focus, we put the energy – the body is super relaxed, calm and the mind more awake and aware.

Because just as degenerative emotions have the power to activate the sympathetic nervous system, generative emotions do it in the opposite direction, generating physical, mental and spiritual well-being. In us, in our children and in the Planet!

The secondary effect of heart-brain coherence

We start living in ourselves, conscious and joyful. Is there a better gift for a child than having parents that embody presence? Parents who vibrate unconditional love and acceptance?!

This coherent energy raises our consciousness and we feel safe to create from the unknown. That is to say, we leave the three-dimensional reality: cause – effect and we go on to live in the quantum reality, causing an effect.

I share with you a testimony of someone who experienced for the first time the “heart-brain coherence” meditation I developed for PG:

And that is why those who are truly committed to the daily practice of generative parenting see infinite possibilities. And no, that does not mean that we do not have obstacles in life. It means that we welcome, integrate and transcend the wisdom that each of the obstacles offers us, with the elegance of dance, a coherent heart and brain. It means that we choose to assign new meanings to the events of our lives. Meanings that allow us to consciously self (re)parent. Only then can we guide our children!!

And now, do we choose to open our hearts or not?

O conteúdo The science of heart-brain coherence into parenting aparece primeiro em Rita Aleluia.

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