Robert Dilts and Rita Aleluia talk about NLP & Generative Parenting. Neuro-Linguistic Programming at the service of generative change. The most effective conscious practices to let you know yourself, to make you reach your essence and find out where you belong in the family and in the world, how...
Rita Aleluia is recognized with the 2019 NLP Award for her contribution in Education, through the creation of NLP & Generative Parenting. The award was given by ANLP in London.
NLP and Education is about pouring the cup and creating space so that something never experienced before can emerge. It is not about perfection, is about being conscious and authentic. And NLP & Generative Parenting is born therefrom.
IAGC and Conscious Systems believe and work daily so that a better World arises, a generative World, what I call the World of Good. We do it through Generative Coaching, Consulting, Certified Training and Therapy. In particular, I like to make each day of my life a better day,...
I have learned to unlearn, and it was at that moment of my life that my truth has arisen. It sprouted from my heart, without a map, without a script, without a safety net, with the vulnerability that brings courage and makes me human. Because we are all part...
Ten questions that can change your life. These are questions for you to reflect on what level your relationship with you and your child is. The mother-child or father-child relationship is the most important relationship of your whole existence! Accept consciously this invitation and open your heart, watch as...
There are no conditions, there is only love, which is the beginning, the middle and the end. Everything gets transformed! There is empathy, vulnerability, connection, compassion. You solve challenges, talk and act from health emotional states. There is an equal value and you always, but always deserve love.
Always do what you are afraid to do. Fear is a part of you, so welcome it! Thank it! Take it! Dance with it! Live it! This is the only way to build the bridge and transform it in harmony and peace! I believe we need to feel the...