Courage • Rita Aleluia Awakening People Mon, 29 Jan 2018 11:16:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Courage • Rita Aleluia 32 32 I have learned to unlearn, and life has arisen Mon, 29 Jan 2018 11:08:24 +0000 I have learned to unlearn, and it was at that moment of my life that my truth has arisen. It sprouted from my heart, without a map, without a script, without a safety net, with the vulnerability that brings courage and makes me human. Because we are all part of something much bigger and we are here on a mission. Because I believe that every day we transform the World into a better place, where all beings want to belong and live

O conteúdo I have learned to unlearn, and life has arisen aparece primeiro em Rita Aleluia.

I have learned to decelerate my clock’s hands, do adjust them to the pace of life, of my life, full of infinite possibilities. A life that arises fluid, without a script, where love is the law, king and lord.

I have learned to take steps the size of my legs, small steps and long steps. To fly in the trapeze of doubt, to parade on the tightrope, to jump without a parachute, to fall without a safety net, being certain that I am and we are part of something much bigger, something that cannot be seen with our eyes.

I have learned to listen instead of hearing, to watch instead of seeing. To enlarge my map and paint white spaces on it. To linger in the hugs and laughter of my loved ones and of humankind. To go back countlessly to the places where I am happy, inside or outside me, either alone or with my loved ones.

I have learned the flexibility of feeling in my body the words, the thoughts, and the power of transforming them into gestures, of sculpt them into cells. Now I know that the home of my essence is where my truth lies, and that is the voice of my heart.

Rita Aleluia inside a giant clock, installed on top of a tower.
© Rita Aleluia

I have learned to understand by feeling and to welcome the uncertainty that embraces certainty. Today I know that darkness defines the light, that they belong together and complete each other. That in every existence lies its opposite. I have learned to build the bridge, to make the balance and that the name for it is: life.

I have learned to be present in my vulnerability, to accept what is really uncomfortable and that it is alright, everything is always right. This is called courage instead of weakness.

I have learned to give myself without sacrificing myself. To be without losing myself in the other. To belong to myself for what I truly am and to always be thankful. Less is more, one plus one is three.

I have learned this and many, many more… And from this place, here and now, I am so, but so curious (and humanly afraid) with the generative immensity of what is yet to come.

O conteúdo I have learned to unlearn, and life has arisen aparece primeiro em Rita Aleluia.

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The beginning, the middle and the end Mon, 15 Jan 2018 19:12:45 +0000 There are no conditions, there is only love, which is the beginning, the middle and the end. Everything gets transformed! There is empathy, vulnerability, connection, compassion. You solve challenges, talk and act from health emotional states. There is an equal value and you always, but always deserve love.

O conteúdo The beginning, the middle and the end aparece primeiro em Rita Aleluia.

“If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.

And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.

If I give away all I have for the poor, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing. (…)

Love never ends; as for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away. (…)

So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.”

Much of this biblical passagem – St. Paul to the Corinthians – makes a lot of sense to me, so much so that it was one of the readings I chose for my wedding. The proposal is only one: love. I believe it is the beginning, the middle and the end.

I have received very positive feedback from mothers, some fathers and teachers who came to my sessions, read my book “Mães do Mundo” (“Mothers of the World”) or attended “Mom’s Rules” and I feel, for this very reason, that I should speak to you again of unconditional love.

This is, for me, and increasingly proven by families and educators, the solution that works in all occasions. Indeed, it is a daring solution, which requires courage. But it is also the straightforward, hassle-free solution. First, it works with you, for you, when you love yourself unconditionally. Then, it works with your neighbor.

Wooden heart on dried leaves

When you choose love from among countless possibilities, you are putting aside what hurts you, such as anger, inflexibility, punishment, judgements…

When you interact from this place that exists within you, you are accessing healthy emotional states, thus acting through behaviors that are an example, making a difference in this world.

You are recognizing yourself, accepting yourself, saying yes to your needs, recognizing the other, accepting him/her and meeting their needs. Do you want a better filter than this?!

With the filter of unconditional love there is sharing. It is a permanent giving and receiving, without any mandatory order. You do not have to give first to harvest later. There is no first or second. There is only love. You have to solve challenges from positive emotional states, respecting your space and your limits. There is an equal value and you always, but always deserve love.

What happens then?

An unblocking! Everything gets transformed! There is empathy, vulnerability, connection, compassion…

Young girl lying on a bed, in a room full of light.

Behavior begets behavior, therefore love begets love.

How wonderful it is that your son knows and feels, by your example, that regardless of whether he eats the whole soup or not, you love him with no conditions!

How magical it is that your partner knows and feels, by your example, that despite having forgotten your special date, you are the person of his/her life!

How smooth it is that you know and feel that, even if you have not fulfilled everything that was proposed in the work meeting for this week, your boss is still proud to have you in the team!

There are no conditions, there is only love, which is the beginning, the middle and the end. Set your heart thereon, ground your intentions therein, raise your questions therein and open yourself to affections, with truth, faith and hope. See what happens.

O conteúdo The beginning, the middle and the end aparece primeiro em Rita Aleluia.

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