Love • Rita Aleluia Awakening People Fri, 28 Jan 2022 14:14:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Love • Rita Aleluia 32 32 The science of heart-brain coherence into parenting Fri, 28 Jan 2022 14:10:43 +0000 Generative parenting embodies the heart and brain coherence. A practice based on the latest advances in science. Neuroscience, neurocardiology, epigenetics and quantum physics come together in this parental and life proposal.

O conteúdo The science of heart-brain coherence into parenting aparece primeiro em Rita Aleluia.

The title of this article maybe it should be “heart and brain coherence in generative parenting and in everything in life”. For more than a decade of researching, experimenting and developing generative parenting, spreading it to the five continents, to people, families and organizations with such different cultures and believes, I was intrigued by the fact that some practitioners incorporate GP (generative parenting®) becoming agents of transformation and change in their personal, family, professional and community life and others, take a long time or regress to the know (even when it is not functional for them).

Since Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) deals with what specifically works well, I investigated the patterns and found the answer!

The difference that makes the difference

It is the daily practice of heart and brain meditations that generates change at the energy level. I already mentioned in previous articles that the heart influences the brain and vice versa. And this can be a harmonious and coherent dance or a survival and chaotic dance (which is where much of humanity tends to live, particularly in the these years). Do we choose maintain chaos and disconnection? Is this that we want to keep perpetuating for generations?!

– No!!

Relax, close your eyes, focus and surrender

If we want to guide our children, being ourselves, parents, educators, teachers… an example of what we want to see in the world, with oneness, we can opt for relaxation, focus on the heart and generate generative emotions. When this happens, the heart begins to produce a very low rate, only possible with the heart rate. Science now shows that this meditative practice makes us more creative. The heart informs the brain that it is safe to create, to awaken, to create consciousness to live and strive rather than survive. And this is how we begin to see possibilities, light, where before we saw obstacles and darkness.

The science behind generative parenting

My heart seems to burst with joy every time a new article is published in a scientific journal confirming generative parenting practices. Because NLP, created 50 years ago, one of the pillars of GP, is not science, nor psychology, nor psychotherapy. Still, today, the latest advances in science (especially the vast majority of confirmations from my dear HeartMath scientists), demonstrate everything that NLP has given us brought from the beginning, when it was still called META.

Goodbye degenerative emotions

This harmonious and coherent dance between the heart and the brain allows us to generously and gratefully say goodbye to degenerative emotions, those that take away our vital energy, that put us on the survival side: stress, anxiety, worry… We now broaden horizons and see possibilities. In other words, we activate the parasympathetic nervous system, responsible for the conscious creation of our lives! Why? Because we begin to generate generative emotions, which nourish our energy by expanding it to those around us.

I explained the process in my talk at the Global NLP Online Summit India. You find here a little taste:

All this to say that the more relaxed we live in our heart, the more our brain and body open to energy. When we are no longer focused on survival, anxious, worried about dangers, threats, about the next moment – and we already know that where we put the focus, we put the energy – the body is super relaxed, calm and the mind more awake and aware.

Because just as degenerative emotions have the power to activate the sympathetic nervous system, generative emotions do it in the opposite direction, generating physical, mental and spiritual well-being. In us, in our children and in the Planet!

The secondary effect of heart-brain coherence

We start living in ourselves, conscious and joyful. Is there a better gift for a child than having parents that embody presence? Parents who vibrate unconditional love and acceptance?!

This coherent energy raises our consciousness and we feel safe to create from the unknown. That is to say, we leave the three-dimensional reality: cause – effect and we go on to live in the quantum reality, causing an effect.

I share with you a testimony of someone who experienced for the first time the “heart-brain coherence” meditation I developed for PG:

And that is why those who are truly committed to the daily practice of generative parenting see infinite possibilities. And no, that does not mean that we do not have obstacles in life. It means that we welcome, integrate and transcend the wisdom that each of the obstacles offers us, with the elegance of dance, a coherent heart and brain. It means that we choose to assign new meanings to the events of our lives. Meanings that allow us to consciously self (re)parent. Only then can we guide our children!!

And now, do we choose to open our hearts or not?

O conteúdo The science of heart-brain coherence into parenting aparece primeiro em Rita Aleluia.

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(re)Parenting begins with the practice of generative emotions Tue, 04 Jan 2022 14:09:24 +0000 You can do whatever you want in your way of parenting. If you don't change your energy, there is no transformation at all! The first of the 3 steps is to generate heart coherence, creating and maintaining generative emotions!

O conteúdo (re)Parenting begins with the practice of generative emotions aparece primeiro em Rita Aleluia.

– “Rita, I have already tried to change my way of practicing parenting, I have been aware, I have named my emotions… little or nothing has changed. What happened?!”

It happened that you keep doing the same things and expecting different results!

– “But how so? I write down my intentions, I identify and named my emotions, I change behaviors?!”

Yes, but you have not changed the essential, the core of this work: your energy! We are energy! Each of us is an energy field. And this is scientifically proved! If you know how to change your energy, everything that happens in the environment will change easily and naturally.

  1. Change the energy;
  2. Maintain this state (it is the only way not to go back to programs installed in the past, which in turn will lead to the same behaviors and results);
  3. Expand the generative emotions from you to your children and to the Planet.

That’s how we become creators of our lifes, and we stop being victims. This is how we start creating from the (quantum) field, creating generative results (which have never happened before).

– “How do I do that? How do I teach my children to be creators?”

Beginning to practice heart and brain coherence. It is the emotions generated in our heart, generative (regenerative) emotions (the values of generative parenting), or degenerative emotions that send a clear signal to the brain that, in turn, determines how we feel and how we will act. Determine the quality of our presence!

Generative parenting living practices reconnects us with the heart. It reconnects us with unity, with the whole. This way we make better decisions, at every moment, navigating with coherence and harmony in challenging times. This is the way we can truly live generatively.

The heart helps us to give new meaning to our experiences. Helps us to reframe. It does not change what happened, but it allows us to welcome, integrate and transcend experiences, honor them, learn from them.

Ancient cultures knew well the power of the heart. It is no coincidence that from China to ancient Greece, communities looked to the heart as the main source of feelings, virtue and greatest intelligence. Many traditions refer to the heart as the path to the soul, the greater spirit of who we are. In the West, the heart is not just a physical organ, it is also a metaphor for feelings, intuition and the center of our personality, of who we really are.

When the heart, mind and emotions are aligned, we live in harmony, in wisdom. We live at home! We act from a place of unconditional love. From a place of abundance. With connection!

This is an experiential discovery. It goes beyond theory, beyond language. When we accept that this experience is possible, we bring reverence, joy, enthusiasm, and gratitude to its practice. And of course, we create experiences that are beyond any known reality.

Wherever you go, go with all your heart.

And remember: you already know how to do this!

O conteúdo (re)Parenting begins with the practice of generative emotions aparece primeiro em Rita Aleluia.

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NLP & Generative Parenting is a manifesto for the family Wed, 23 Oct 2019 16:38:23 +0000 The manifesto of NLP & Generative Parenting for the creation of generative families. Conscious, present and loving families. Families who welcome, integrate and transcend, together, for the common good.

O conteúdo NLP & Generative Parenting is a manifesto for the family aparece primeiro em Rita Aleluia.


“The family is the great human cause.”

 Talking about NLP & Generative Parenting is necessarily talking about conscious, generative families. I believe the family is the great human cause, whatever kind of family it is. We are all the fruit of a family, so it is something that cuts across the whole of humanity.

Forget the term ‘traditional family’, it is another myth. No family is that. Although they may seem similar, they are all different. Each family creates and lives its own story according to what makes the most sense to them. And what makes the most sense is often inherited from previous generations. Psychology has already shown that we carry seven generations on our shoulders. Therefore, if we inherit beliefs and values that do not serve us and we perpetuate them unconsciously, we are necessarily undermining the following seven generations. This is food for thought. In Tolstoy’s novel, Anna Karenina, we can read that “all happy families are alike, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” It deserves reflection, as well as this urgent call to live the family, that place of vulnerability, of matches and mismatches of souls, where the shadow and light of each member are seen and heard. Family is not a perfect place, thankfully. It is, in the words of the mother of family systemic therapy, Virginia Satir, the microcosm of society.

Generative families are compasses for life

In the proposal of NLP & Generative Parenting, there is hope. Everyone can be who they actually were born to be. Each generative family is called to live its treasure. Each generative family has its own vocation. Each generative family is a compass for a life full of love, hospitality and hope, with clear, well-defined intentions.

My personal and professional experience tells me that the parent-child relationship can be the most generative and spiritual of all. It is not a coincidence that I share that the best personal development I know is this, besides volunteering. It is in the (generative) family that we find freedom and a safe place to be better persons. For each fall, there is a hug coming. For each achievement, another hug. For each “failure” (feedback), another hug. It is where we experience equal value and dignity, authenticity, the practice of responsibility and respect. Inclusion is a flag that flies alongside congruence. Difficulties are seen as opportunities for common growth, creating space for creativity to play its part and dazzle everyone with something never experienced before.

In a generative family, love is a conscious invitation

In a generative family, love is a conscious invitation, without effort or attachment, without guilt or criticism, with curiosity, in proximity. It is the experience of unconditional love.

In a generative family, the unifying force lies in the unwavering trust of affective bonds, those that welcome, integrate and transcend the unique gift of oneself, placing themselves, as a family, at the service of something greater, for the common good – not rationally, but intentionally and generously, with humility. Generative families believe in relationships of love, of presence with quality, relationships that expand, they do not believe in relationships of power and manipulation. These families also believe that these are decisive steps towards a generative change, for building our humanity and a better world.

And you, how do you live your family?

What legacy do you want to pass on to the following generations?

O conteúdo NLP & Generative Parenting is a manifesto for the family aparece primeiro em Rita Aleluia.

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NLP & Generative Parenting by Robert Dilts and Rita Aleluia Tue, 22 Oct 2019 15:20:50 +0000 Robert Dilts and Rita Aleluia talk about NLP & Generative Parenting. Neuro-Linguistic Programming at the service of generative change. The most effective conscious practices to let you know yourself, to make you reach your essence and find out where you belong in the family and in the world, how you can bring about and live that identity.

O conteúdo NLP & Generative Parenting by Robert Dilts and Rita Aleluia aparece primeiro em Rita Aleluia.

We live in a world that calls loudly for an urgent change, requiring solutions never experienced before and a paradigm shift, giving rise to something totally new, is present in the proposal of NLP & Generative Parenting, as you can read and listen in this conversation between me, Rita Aleluia, and Robert Dilts, the co-developer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) of Generative Work, of Success Factor Modeling (SFM), co-founder of the NLP University, California, author.

Traditional forms of educations have failed. Now, we need to make a serious, conscious and in-depth reflection on what our intentions as parents and educators are, and what resources we really want to use to reach the answers that will enable us to create a harmonious, responsible and sustainable future for the humanity.

Parenting that starts with NLP and progresses to NLP & Generative

When I launched this new parenting proposal, I lovingly called it Parenting with NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming). When I completed my certification as NLP Trainer and Consultant, and later in Generative Coaching, I felt that, just like me, this parenting went one level up, and should therefore be renamed – NLP & Generative Parenting. As Robert Dilts tells us, the generative part of this work arises from creativity, from creating something totally new, something that did not exist before.

“I raised my children, with my wife, using Neuro-Linguistic Programming (PNL) a lot”
Robert Dilts

The co-creator of Generative Work – Generative Coaching and Generative Consulting – recalls that: “the generative part in parenting, in families, is extraordinarily decisive. When we try to get somewhere that is unknown, even if other parents have gone through something similar, we create a unique new path that requires very specific tools and practices.” Robert Dilts assures that “this is, most likely, the most important field for introducing a generative change.”

In our delightful conversation, Robert confesses, “I raised my children, with my wife, using Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) a lot and introducing the principles of generative change, so that they could be in the world with self-esteem and positive attitudes.” Also, “so that they could grow up with strategies that enable them to succeed on their own.” The co-developer of NLP is proud of his two children, what they bring to the world and his own job as a parent. His blue eyes become even brighter when he recalls “their sense of confidence, their positive look towards life, their self-abilities,” something that, at first, “they emulate from parents and then is supported by parents,” he concludes.

Parenting that combines NLP with generative coaching and creates generative change

“The person I am is best expressed in the world.”
Robert Dilts

This proposal “teach us how to communicate effectively, how we can empower others, especially children, so that they can be themselves, guiding them at the same time,” he reinforces.

NLP & Generative Parenting reveals you the most effective conscious practices let you really know yourself, to make you reach your essence and find out “where you belong in the family and in the world, how you can bring about and live that identity,” Robert Dilts adds. Thus, the “channel is open and the person I am is best expressed in the world.” “I cannot find anything more important for a parent or teacher than doing this with a child,” he assures.

And you, do you choose to join us in this generative shift to a better world?

You are very welcome!

O conteúdo NLP & Generative Parenting by Robert Dilts and Rita Aleluia aparece primeiro em Rita Aleluia.

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Rita Aleluia recognized with the NLP Award for her contribution in Education Fri, 24 May 2019 10:43:51 +0000 Rita Aleluia is recognized with the 2019 NLP Award for her contribution in Education, through the creation of NLP & Generative Parenting. The award was given by ANLP in London.

O conteúdo Rita Aleluia recognized with the NLP Award for her contribution in Education aparece primeiro em Rita Aleluia.

We were both (Judith DeLozier and I) hugging and laughing, with our eyes watery with emotion and happiness, like two schoolgirls. Until a man with a firm but tender voice comes close and looks at us in the eyes, points his finger at me and says: “This award is yours! Acknowledge yourself!” Soon, I had tears running down my face, in a mixture of joy and the certainty that this man, Stephen Gilligan, was absolutely right.

An ANLP Award does not fall from the sky

No one wins an NLP Award by a sleight of hand, or just for the sake of it, or for having a beautiful smile. This is a responsible award, whose attribution recognizes the conscious contribution, either individual or collective, within the field of NLP, with strict evaluation criteria.

Rita Aleluia speeching at NLP Awards 2019

When I was nominated, I shared with you the meaning (portuguese) it had for me. Now I can add a bit more. Awards and rewards are not what I believe should be in the dictionary of life. But I believe in recognition. And this award is exactly that. It recognizes that I, Rita Aleluia, am a NLP professional who is helping to create an inclusive world, through NLP & Generative Parenting, an alternative route to an urgent new paradigm in education.

What you will read now is the alignment between vision, mission, role and ambition

The work I slowly started developing in 2011 has a huge positive impact on families and schools in many countries. This NLP Award is about human rights! It recognizes that we are all different and have equal value. That we grow from differences and inclusion is the way to go. It recognizes that our children may (re)situate us and direct us to the essential of our existence, to what is invisible to the eyes and decisive for the world to move forward. It recognizes that unconditional love is the cradle of humanity, that authenticity and congruence are godmothers. It recognizes that girls and boys, men and women are biologically different, but equal in emotions, desires, needs, opinions. That we are all part of something greater, that we are all one, that we are all responsible. That connection must be recognized, and the myth of perfection must let go. It also recognizes, for the first time, that Portugal has something to say worldwide and to contribute to Neuro-Linguistic Programing. 

Rita Aleluia winning education category at NLP Awards 2019.

I keep creating NLP & Generative Parenting with vision, lots of live, presence, sense of mission and I do it in community. A creation that has gone through an incredible improvement in quality over the last three months, as a result of many adjustments, research and experience on the ground. As a result of falling and rising again. Of a lot of resilience. Of embracing fear and evoking courage. Of trusting and moving forward, even when the world says, “you are crazy”. Of bringing peace to the hurricane woman that is hidden within me. Of letting shine the light that is unique. Everything that is done with the heart is aligned from the inside out, from heaven to Earth, from you to your next. This is the only equation I know and that I want to see happen in the work, the equation of love. Therefore, yes, the 2019 NLP Award in Education is mine and I deserve it.

Rita Aleluia with it own award at NLP Awards 2019

Thank you to my daughters, my guru girls, who teach me what it is to love unconditionally; to my husband and partner, my accomplice for all times; to my parents, mentors, to you, who trust in this work, who accept to do different and create a better world. Without your trust and faith, none of this would be possible. Thanks to José Figueira with whom I started walking the path of NLP, to NLP U, where I learned about a systemic and generative NLP, to Robert and to Stephen for their contribution with Generative Coaching. Thanks to ANLP for having the courage to recognize merit to professionals from all over the world and to contribute a lot to honoring this noble profession. Thanks to life for allowing me to live my dreams and to be an example. Trust that everything is always right, everything is always well.

With love and gratitude,


O conteúdo Rita Aleluia recognized with the NLP Award for her contribution in Education aparece primeiro em Rita Aleluia.

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John Grinder and Richard Bandler were awarded the Lifetime Services to NLP Award Tue, 21 May 2019 15:43:44 +0000 John Grinder and Richard Bandler were awarded with the ‘Lifetime Services to NLP’ award, at the ceremony of the 2019 NLP Awards.

O conteúdo John Grinder and Richard Bandler were awarded the Lifetime Services to NLP Award aparece primeiro em Rita Aleluia.

If there is something certain arising within me is that one must “be the difference you want to see in the world”, and this is exactly the meaning of the granting of the “Lifetime Services to NLP” Award, at the ceremony of the 2019 NLP Awards, to John Grinder and Richard Bandler, the parents of NLP.

The NLP Awards are born from the intention of recognizing and honoring annually the impact and difference made by NLP professionals in all areas. As the organization puts it, “it is our chance to shout from the rooftops, be proud of the profession we represent and celebrate those who really are using NLP to make a difference out there in the real world and celebrate all that is good in our community.

Nominations can be sent to the NLP International Awards by any person wishing to do so. They are then assessed by a judicious independent panel, composed of experienced NLP Master Trainers, who validate all the work presented and the impact thereof, regarding the nominee and decide whether or not he/she is able to be officially nominated for the awards. After the official nominees have been announced, the same jury will gather all information deemed relevant to decide, rigorously and independently, who the winners are in all categories. For instance, my nomination was sent by Judith DeLozier, by Robert Dilts and by Sónia Silva Franco (a biographer and journalist who does not even work in NLP, but who knows my work through my interviews, lectures, books and two of my training sessions that she attended).

John Grinder and Richard Bandler Awards under 2019 NLP cerimony

Every year there was a buzz because neither John Grinder nor Richard Bandler had their names among the chosen ones. And this was only because no one has ever submitted their nomination. Disagreements between the two creators are well-known, as well as their consequences in the field of NLP, which is such a beautiful and important domain in this world. ANLP, an association to which I am honored to belong, decided to recognize the contribution of these two men through the NLP Awards, by the voice of president Karen Falconer. After all, if it were not for them, we would not be here today, here and now, to be the difference that makes the difference in the lives of so many people. The awards were accepted on their behalf by Robert Dilts.

May we all cooperate. May each one of us contribute with the best of himself/herself, with his/her unique gift, gathering synergies, building bridges, raising awareness levels, with much love and compassion. Welcoming, integrating and going beyond differences, that place, full of infinite opportunities, where we all may grow. This is how the world moves forward!

O conteúdo John Grinder and Richard Bandler were awarded the Lifetime Services to NLP Award aparece primeiro em Rita Aleluia.

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Reasons to embrace a simple life with presence Tue, 01 Jan 2019 21:42:02 +0000 Being instead of having is possible when you choose to embrace a simple life with presence! That is the status quo I believe that makes sense. Here are a few steps to make it happen this year. This is also a proposal of NLP & Generative Parenting, which extends to all areas of life.

O conteúdo Reasons to embrace a simple life with presence aparece primeiro em Rita Aleluia.

2019 arrived and brought in the eyes the brightness [almost] tricky of challenge, of someone who wants to do different, better, to embrace a simple life, with more presence, a life with lightness and detachment.

I will not spend any energy in trying to resist this call. The focus on the essentials of life has been cooking inside me. I believe that, just as we have the capacity to create our prisons, overshadowing the capacity to value the simple and authentic side of live, at the same time we have access to the key that frees us from that prison.

Quite some time ago, I grabbed this key and started practicing. If it is easy? Well… as with any change, it caused me some discomfort at first, because the frenzy in which we choose to be immersed may [quite often] hide an escape from the place where we could/should be. After slowing down and starting the process, as I walk down this path, I have been invaded by a growing feeling of lightness.

For example, we used to travel on all our older daughter’s school holidays and long weekends. We lived on the magical Madeira Island, her father worked part of the time abroad. These travels forced us to pack for the four of us – both hold baggage and hand luggage – to unveil new destinations, and more luggage with other clothes for the remaining days we were in Cascais. The time [too much] I invested searching for possible places to know, searching for flights, preferably in an airline that would allow us to earn miles in the frequent flyer programme, search for accommodation, travel insurances, the best way to reach destinations without major inconvenience to our routines, especially for our eldest daughter [due to the various issues related to her diagnosis of global developmental delay], thinking about clothes and shoes for all traveling backwards and forwards… Although part of that time was also time for growth, all in all, it exceeded the limits of what is acceptable in our scale of tolerance. In addition to the demands of my profession, which requires a lot of presence, between coaching sessions, consulting, training, presence on RTP M, texts for the blog and for magazines, conferences, the youngest daughter in unschooling, the eldest between school, dance and therapy sessions, the father, when he was in Portugal, needing to stay in our nest, in tranquillity [mission (im)possible in the profession he chose]… We all needed more retirement and to slow down. To live with presence, in every moment. We postponed the trip [already scheduled] to the only continent we have not visited and left the kangaroos for future plans. We asked ourselves:

“What is the true intention of each trip?”

We kept our basic intention to extend world maps, ours and our daughters’. To know other cultures, especially those that are very different from ours, to learn that we are attracted to what is similar and we grow with what is different… And we added something: to embrace a simpler life, with more presence. Also, because that is what our children expect of us, presence.

We continue to travel, but now much less often, here and now. Another decision was that, whenever possible, they all accompany me on work trips. It has been very rewarding and beautiful.

In addition to all this, we decided to dispose of many material goods, toys, clothes, sell our house. Yes, you read it well. We still have no idea where we are going to live, not even if we are going to stay in Portugal or if we leave again to live in another country [I confess I am very tempted]. We simply trust. We trust our intuition, listen to our heart, we believe that all is right, all is well. You know this is one of those assumptions of Neuro-Linguistic Programming that is a prayer for me.

The most important things in life cannot be bought

The professor of Positive Psychology at Harvard, Tal Ben Sha-har reminds us that the best things in life are not things. That by accumulating goods, medals, money, we are invited to plunge into chaos, into neurotic and unrealistic perfectionism. That it takes peace away from us, it unbalances us, it is reflected in health. Also from this assumption, so that you can bring lightness into your life, through the conscious practices of a Nordic way of life, I created the Hygge Life Retreat which is about to happen.Success Factor Modeling books

Slow Down

Slow down and life begins to flow differently. Today, we are able to be just the four of us for hours on end, to feel the energy of a single place, to absorb the information from nature, with all our senses active, to see beyond what our eyes can see. It is so powerful, so special. We can now carry with us much more. This slowing down is also one of the proposals I make in NLP & Generative Parenting. I tell you about it in my book “Mães do Mundo” [“Mothers of the Word”], in the nine transformation steps.

I leave you a few steps so that you can peacefully choose to embrace a simpler life, with more presence. A serene and light life.

How to embrace a simple life with presence

1. Define what is your intention [or intentions] for your life

Intentions are flashlights that keep us on the desired path. You do not have to know exactly what the final destination is, but you should know which way to go, which direction you want to take.

2. Find out what is really important to you

This choice allows you to focus on what is essential and to dispose of everything that is superfluous, it allows you to put aside everything that is creating burden and occupying space in your life. It allows you to embrace what really brings you peace.

3. Unstuff

I am speaking about material goods, food in excess [or other addictions] and people.

Have you ever thought that you probably do not need more space, you need fewer things? What if instead of having more things done, you have less things to do?

Gather all that brings you light, what makes you feel light, energetic, willing to wake up every morning and be the difference that makes the difference in our world. Surround yourself with those who make you feel good. And remember that everything contains within itself its opposite. When the shadow emerge in the light, you may try to chant this mantra so influential and observe how powerful it can be.

4. Let go

This includes welcoming, integrating and transcending feelings of guilt, compulsive and negative habits, heavy emotions. Allow yourself to let chaos go and make room for light.

5. Contribute to a more sustainable world

This means you can start eating organic food, eating less meat [if you still eat it], less sugar [my resolution for this year] and processed foods. You can buy products from fair trade, from local shops, cycle instead of using the car, walking and investing in hikes that make you closer to nature, use public transport [when they exist and work well], help reforestation, eliminate the consumption of products that imply the devastation of the Amazon and of tropical forests, that exploit slave labour or child labour…

Believe me, every gesture you take, no matter how small they may seem to you, has an implication in the whole. As Rumi told us, I am not a drop in the ocean, I am the whole ocean in a drop.

6. Invest in relationships

What would happen if you exchanged text messages, WhatsApp, Messenger for your actual presence?! If instead of sending a message, you were the messenger who knocked on the door of that loved person to deliver the message by hand? If you swapped emojis for real hugs? Less technology, more human presence. I invite you to try and then share it with me. I will be waiting!

The best gift we can give others is the quality of our presence.
Richard Moss

7. Practice gratitude and generosity

Focus on what you have and not on what you believe [so often in an absolutely illusory way] you should have. Less is more! It is in giving that we receive. Create rituals, build your gratitude diary or pot. Happiness rarely visits those who complain a lot and live in judgement. Embrace a cause, a volunteer action and go for it! Empathy generates empathy. Love generates love.

If at this point in your life you feel you do not have time to do what is important to you and to your family, then stop doing things that are not important. Change is built in stages and happens when you make the commitment. Being instead of having! That is the status quo I believe that makes sense.

O conteúdo Reasons to embrace a simple life with presence aparece primeiro em Rita Aleluia.

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To Be Generative is to assume social responsibility by acting collectively Thu, 27 Sep 2018 09:39:07 +0000 When you assume social responsibility, you are acting collectively, opening the channel, being the difference that makes the difference, welcoming, integrating and transcending, turning on the lights, so that the unique expressions that will definitely leverage the world may come into play on the safe of Life! You are then generative and practice NLP & Generative Parenting!

O conteúdo To Be Generative is to assume social responsibility by acting collectively aparece primeiro em Rita Aleluia.

One of the values that guide the educational proposal of NLP & Generative Parenting is inclusion, is assuming social responsibility, is creating social sustainability, a dynamic movement and generative that occurs in the plural, collectively, promoting a generative change in the world.

I am not talking about charity, which through the eyes of my map of the world, implies that there is a stronger one helping a weaker one, excluding the possibility of growing together. I am telling you about kindness, generosity, inclusion, where everyone has equal value and dignity (values also shared by NLP & Generative Parenting) and, jointly, through collective intelligence (an equation where 1+1= 3…), everyone grows, with quality, creating in the world something never seen. For this to happen, social responsibility has a unique place here.

As a human being, as we are all, I want the one who is at a disadvantage (usually competitive and often temporary), for whatever reason, to bring to this stage what s/he is here to do. That is, may manifest his/her unique gift with dignity.

The ballerina and choreographer who revolutionized modern dance, Martha Graham, an incredible generative being, leaves us in her shining legacy the certainty that:

“There is a vitality, a vital force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost. The world will not have it.”

Eleven years ago, when I was still a journalist and I had become a mother only a few months before, I was gifted by Life with the huge privilege of meeting Henrique Amoedo. One of the most generative people I have ever met! Henrique, who spent so many years on the stage of high finance in São Paulo, decided to listen to his heart and body, allowed his essence to reveal itself and left from Brazil to Portugal, to the small Madeira Island. He gathered an amazing team, rowed (and still does) over and over in rough seas, transforming the force of the wind and tides in favour of inclusion. For 17 years, this wonderful Man has shown every day that everyone has something to contribute, everyone is valid and brilliant, not for their technique, but for passion, revealing that the body expresses what words cannot tell…

Rita Aleluia with Henrique Amoedo, founder of the Dancing with the Difference group

Henrique is the father of the group Dançando com a Diferença [Dancing with the Difference]. The day I met him, I let myself be touched. Two days later, I took my baby daughter to a rehearsal of that group. I felt in her a different vibration, so beautiful, a kind of amplified love, and I, far, very far from knowing that I was holding in my arms a daughter who eleven years later would have the blessing and joy of being one of the dancers of this inclusive group. I cannot find any word to describe the work they offer us, the incredible way they recognize each being, with no labels… I invite you to see it you’re your eyes and feel with your soul, your body, who they are. If you are in Lisbon, you now have the opportunity?.

The group Dançando com a Diferença, works with prestigious, world-known choreographers, reflecting the pure essence of dance, in all its splendor of unconditional love, selling out all venues where they perform, in Portugal, Brazil, Spain, Switzerland, United States…

Dancing with the Difference Group

The similarities attract us, but differences and diversity make us grow!

By assuming social responsibility, we are opening the channel, being the difference that makes the difference, welcoming, integrating and transcending, turning on the lights, so that the unique expressions that will definitely leverage the world may come into play on the safe of Life!

How do you choose to practice your social responsibility?

THANK YOU, Henrique, Telmo, Natércia and Nuno. I am really thankful to you!

P.S. – You can find the dance company also on their YouTube Channel, in Facebook, on IG.

O conteúdo To Be Generative is to assume social responsibility by acting collectively aparece primeiro em Rita Aleluia.

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IAGC and Conscious Systems for a better World, for a generative World Thu, 12 Jul 2018 22:29:55 +0000 IAGC and Conscious Systems believe and work daily so that a better World arises, a generative World, what I call the World of Good. We do it through Generative Coaching, Consulting, Certified Training and Therapy. In particular, I like to make each day of my life a better day, filled with acceptance, inclusion, love and gratitude. I like to see that light reflected in the World.

O conteúdo IAGC and Conscious Systems for a better World, for a generative World aparece primeiro em Rita Aleluia.

It is very common to hear someone saying that he/she wants to see a better World, a Generative World, and that is what IAGC and Conscious Systems believe. We want to move forward, and we are doing it, we want to be an example of that. To walk together, bringing together the gift of every human being, with faith, in a perspective of raising awareness and practicing it daily. Surrounded by authenticity and coherence.

«Where there is fear, that it turns into courage; where there is doubt, let me bring faith.»

At IAGC and Conscious Systems, we know that we are a system, that is we change, transform and create new thoughts and behaviors in a certain context, that will necessarily be reflected in a better World, in a generative World, in a World where everyone counts.

IAGC is the culmination of a whole lifetime of work by Robert Dilts and Stephen Gilligan – in the field of personal development, especially based on NLP and psychology. IAGC is an international organization (of which I am blessed and proud to be a member), spread across the five continents, which supports professionals in the field of Generative Coaching, Consultancy, Therapy and Trance who undertake specific actions to create a better World, a generative World.

But what is a better World, a generative World?

A better World, a generative World is one that creates something new, unheard of, never seen before, with a very clear positive intention. It is what I like to call, and I believe it is, the World of Good!

To this end, it combines creativity with the most meaningful things we want to bring to our lives. This is what we work with Conscious Systems:

  • How to develop an extraordinary relationship with myself?
  • How to build structuring personal and cultural relationships?
  • How to create successful systems (families, companies, organizations)?
  • How to welcome obstacles, by integrating and transcending them?

Arm holding a lamp made with a bottle and several led lights.

And how do we build this Generative, Better World?

IAGC applies the values of Generative Coaching, Consulting, Therapy, Certified Training and Trance to lift lives, communities and organizations to the highest level. Through the conversation between multiple intelligences – verbal and visual, individual and collective, somatic and intellectual, unconscious and conscious – it is possible to build new realities, performances at an unbeatable level, new routes and, consequently, a better World, a generative World.

When I am asked to describe the work of Conscious Systems up to five words… it is simple:

«Transforming dreams into reality».

Now, at Conscious Systems, we have chosen to work through Generative Coaching, Consulting and Training.

In addition to creating and generating a new reality, we develop the practices, based on love, that allow us to keep these states and take them with us wherever we are. Something that I love and practice, in particular, is:

«Make every day of my life a better day, filled with acceptance, inclusion, love and gratitude

I believe that creating a better World, a generative World, the World of Good can be translated into this divine poem of our great poet António Gedeão:

«(…) They don’t know that dreams
are canvas, and color, a brush,
base, column, capital,
lancet arch, stained glass,
cathedral pinnacle,
counterpoint, symphony
a Greek mask, and magic
the alchemist’s retort,
map of the distant world,
a compass, the Infant
sixteenth century caravel,
they’re Cape of Good Will,
gold, cinnamon, ivory,
swordsman’s foil,
theatre wings, dancing step,
Columbine and Harlequin,
the flying passarola,
lightning rod, locomotive,
a ship of festive prow,
blast-furnace, generator,
atom’s fusion, radar,
ultrasound, television,
rocket landing
on the surface of the moon.

They neither know, nor dream,
that dreams command life.
That whenever a man dreams
the world bounces, advances,
as if it were a colored ball
held by the hands of a child.»

The work carried out by IAGC and Conscious Systems allows you to bring this dream into conscience and to make it real.

By the way, how are you living your dreams?

O conteúdo IAGC and Conscious Systems for a better World, for a generative World aparece primeiro em Rita Aleluia.

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Tantrums – how to cope with them, how to prevent them, how do they challenge you? Wed, 28 Feb 2018 09:25:15 +0000 Development psychology establishes three phases in human life in which tantrums may come out. In Generative and NLP Parenting, there are strategies to prevent them and to deal with them. After all, tantrums can be great opportunities for common learning and growth. Access your space of unconditional love. Everything is all right! And tell the tantrums: Be welcome!

O conteúdo Tantrums – how to cope with them, how to prevent them, how do they challenge you? aparece primeiro em Rita Aleluia.

I hear many families complaining that they live on the point of meltdown. Why? Because of tantrums – how to cope with them, how to prevent them, how they challenge you… Does it sound familiar to you?

And this is where the traditional parenting methods (which I find anti-pedagogical) emerge: they claim that we have to punish and impose authority, as the only way for children to learn and become responsible, blah, blah, blah… If you read my book “Mães do Mundo” [Mothers of the World], you know why I totally disagree with them. You also know why I advocate strategies that are appropriate for each family.

Does your child throw tantrums?

Congratulations! He is communicating with you.At that moment, that is the only way he finds to manage to do so.

The development psychology established three phases in human life in which these behaviours may come out: between two and three years old, at six and in adolescence. These are the phases in which they commonly said to be testing their limits and fighting them. And it is all right! This is how they try to take responsibility for their lives, seeking for independence, trying to show that they are able and can perform tasks that are usually performed by an adult of reference.

The tantrum is a “storm” in the brain.Depending on the situation and the stimulus, such as excessive noise, tiredness, hunger or frustration, there may be a reaction of stress. Even a diet with an excess of sugars and industrialised products may influence the behaviour of the child. After all, our intestine is our first brain (as proved by the neuroscience, of which I will tell you in another post). Identifying the cause is the first step to develop the right strategy for the moment.

And it is especially during childhood that the child learns how to deal with emotions. It is when they discover them, acknowledge them and start dealing with them. When they cannot cope with them, they throw a tantrum and need an emotionally stable adult to guide them at that moment.

But emotions are contagious, and you may feel like responding in kind. This is called emotional reactivity. Sometimes I ask parents: who makes more tantrums at home, your child or yourself?

Black woman with a child at the street full of buildings and pots with vegetation.

What can you deal with a tantrum?

  • Relax
    Take a deep breath, connect yourself with your intention, make some room between emotion and reaction, imagine yourself as a child in that situation.
  • Identify what caused the tantrum
    Fear, phobia, hunder, tiredness…
  • Put yourself in the child’s shoes
    As I told you above, tantrums do not come out of nowhere. In their perspective, the world is inside out at that exact moment. Place yourself at the same level as the child, eyes to eyes, establish rapport and create empathy. If you are standing and your child is on the ground, have you noticed the great distance between the two of you? Imagine that you are the child, what do you see in front of you? A giant, and giants are frightening…
  • Put in words the emotion that it is being lived without judgements
    “I see you are bothered… do you want to tell me what is going on? We have time…”
    Never tell him/her:
    “You have no reason to cry! Everything is fine!”

Do you really believe that your child would be crying if everything was fine?

It is important for the child to release their emotions and your responsibility is to be present. If you feel that it is not the appropriate place for the tantrum to come out, take away your child from unnecessary comments from others. Try to take them to a place free from sights and negative and unnecessary comments. Yes, it may happen that you have to carry them on your lap, with them kicking and screaming. But still, it is for the sake of your well-being.

Distracting elements, such as giving them an iPad or a mobile phone, for example, does not solve a tantrum in its essence, just sweeps it under the carpet.

Tantrums – how to cope with them, how to prevent them, how do they challenge you?


Well, if you already know that the intention of a tantrum is to satisfy a need, if you also know that, in order to develop self-esteem and respect for the other, the child has to fill the need behind their behaviour and that you are the best example for them, you can start right there.

  • Watch and listen to your child! – Without judgements. Allow them to feel well and loved.
  • Trust – Ask them to pick up the phone or any other task that is appropriate to their age. Something that they are proud to have accomplished.
  • Allow them to make choices – such as choosing what to wear, which shoes to use… Respect them and be patient.
  • Give them responsibility – Let them choose what they want to be responsible for at home. For example, they may like to feed the pet, make their bed, tidy the room, set the table, water the plants… You will see that not only do they accomplish it, but it also makes them feel more important and part of your system.
  • Ask for their opinion – It could be, for example, as simples as the choice of a meal for the family, where you are spending the next vacation or what cake you will bake together… Believe that the child will feel acknowledged, that their opinion counts!

Your son is not his/her behaviour!

Whenever you feel that a tantrum is starting, access your inner area of unconditional love. If you still feel it difficult, ask yourself: “What does this tantrum arouse in me?”

If you feel helpless in this process, we can talk or you can access the Generative and NLP Parenting course.

Remember that tantrums are great times to reflect on what is happening in our relationship with the child. They are great opportunities for common learning and growth. Everything is all right.

O conteúdo Tantrums – how to cope with them, how to prevent them, how do they challenge you? aparece primeiro em Rita Aleluia.

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